Thundercats Wiki
General Rawlings
Origin Earth
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Voice Actor
Voiced by Larry Kenney
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General Rawlings is a military commander on Earth. He acts as Stargazer's main terran associate and is responsible for overseeing various projects that are made to assist in the protection of the Galaxy of Limbo.

When Mon*Star and members of his Mob escaped Penal Planet 10, Rawlings was responsible for overseeing the creation of the SilverHawks who could assist Stargazer in apprehending the criminals. Rawlings also was present when the SilverHawks underwent their first test flight and simulation air combat.

Later when Stargazer asked for more reinforcements, Rawlings sent a new SilverHawk, Hotwing to join the other SilverHawks on Hawk Haven.

SilverHawks Bullet Point Trivia[]

  • There was military commander named General Rawlings in real life as well. General Edwin W. Rawlings was a leading figure in the administrative development of the United States Air Force (USAF).